Todays topic was about google sites.

I enjoyed todays session. I found it very informative, it was great being able to work collaboratively within a group to get a taste of what was expected and how to think and create a site that was both engaging and  informative for our learners.

We then had the chance to go and create our own site. The site that I created was about raising awareness about pollution and the different types of pollution you can get. I had so much fun doing this. Once you start you just can’t stop. There are always so many different ideas that pop into one’s head. I loved how easily one could create this site and how nicely the information could just flow on it. I had videos, pictures, definitions, songs and read aloud text books to pick and choose from. There’s still so much more that I would like to add and incorporate but time was just not on my hands today.

Manaiakalani’s “learn, create, share” pedagogy can really be seen and felt through today’s session.




One thought on “Sites Day 5.

  1. Mōrena Sarah and thank you for your reflection on your first session of Google Sites. Yes I agree, there is so much to learn, so it’s great that you have embarked on so much of this learning already! I look forward to supporting your continued learning in this area today. Google Sites are a powerful lens into the classroom, portal for learning and space for connecting teachers, learners and whānau. It’s wonderful that you are in a space to be using it now. What a huge amount of learning you’ve been practicing across the past five weeks! Your confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and your attitude to connecting with and exploring the content you are having shared with you each week.
    Keep up the wonderful mahi,
    Ngā mihi,
    Amie @ the Manaiakalani Digital Fluency Intensive

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